Core Values Exercise

We are so excited that you are ready to work on your core values! We have made these cards to hopefully make this journey a little bit easier. Knowing your core values is imperative to living the life you want. Core values helps you make decisions, prioritize your energy, and structure your time. Here is how we recommend you use them…


1.     Start with preparing your heart and mind through meditation, prayer, journaling, etc. to ensure you are in right frame of mind

2.     Open the core value cards and look through them one at a time

3.     If you feel your heart get excited and hopeful then put that card in the “yes” pile, all others go in a discard pile

4.     Continue to go through the “yes” pile until you have 3-5 cards left

5.     Congratulations, these are your core values! You can do this multiple times to get core values for your role at work, as a spouse, friend, parent, etc.

6.     Once you have your values, the next step is to write them on a piece of paper and rate yourself 1-10 (10 being the highest) as how you are living into each core value.

7.     For each value, write out where you have failed and honored your core value in the past and how this effected your life.

8.     For each value, write out how you want to honor this value in your future

9.     Communicate these values and how you want to honor them to your family, friends, and loved ones to help hold you accountable.